CURRICULUM * Marta Raquel synthesis nascent Unquillo Rivolta, Cordoba, Argentina. Studies academics: * School of Arts - Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities - National University of Cordoba. * School of Arts Rens (Buenos Aires). * Academy of Sciences and Arts Philipp (Cba). * Capacitacin literary workshops for coordinators. Belgrano - Buenos Aires. * Coordinators formation of literary workshops. School of Information Sciences - Faculty of Law and Cs. Social. UNC Activities: * Directs courses and seminars since 1982 Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture and Graphic Design of Integrated Plastic Arts Workshops RIVOLTA. * Manager of Cultural Gestin RIVOLTA MUSEUM since 1995. Unquillo, Cordoba. * Individual and collective Realizmuestras in international exhibitions, national and provincial. * Fundy dirigidistintos cultural undertakings in the area of the plastic and literature. * Recibipremios and recognition artistic work, literary and educational. * Many of his works in the field of integrated plastic museums and private collections in Europe and America. * His literary works were published in numerous individual and joint issues. * In the field of plastic working since the year 1970 in the production of various works foward: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Installations, videos »Art Digital.